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2025 Newport News

Fatal crashes lead to new safety measures at intersection
Andy Mehalshick  (WBRE/WYOU)

NANTICOKE, LUZERNE COUNTY (WBRE/WYOU) — Efforts are underway to improve safety at a busy Luzerne County intersection that’s been the site of numerous crashes in recent years.
The intersection in question is located at the boundary of Nanticoke and Newport Township.
There have been two deadly crashes at the intersection in the last year.
Efforts on underway to improve the safety of a Luzerne County intersection that some community leaders and drivers say is a tragedy waiting to happen.
It’s been the site of two deadly crashes within the last year, the most recent just last week.
We are near the intersection of Alden Road and West Main Street in Nanticoke. It is close to the the boundary of Nanticoke and Newport Township.
Just this past week, Newport Township officials set up this speed warning sign underneath the actual speed limit sign. Newport Township and Nanticoke Police tell me they believe speed is a factor in many of the crashes.
The most recent deadly crash occurred last Monday when a 71-year-old woman was killed when two vehicles collided at the intersection of Alden Road and West Main Street. That crash is still under investigation by Nanticoke Police.
Less than a year ago, a woman was killed in a crash at this same intersection.
This past week, Newport Township installed a speed warning sign. It tells drivers how fast they are going. The speed limit here is 35 miles per hour.
Joseph Waiter owns an auto repair shop near the intersection. He’s been in business here for more than 50 years. He says he has seen way too many crashes.
“I got to give credit to Newport Township because it wasn’t too long after your segment they went down there and moved a sign back to give us more vision. It got a little bit better and a speed warning radar sign they put up I guess you call it, and it seems to be working; people are slowing down,” said Joseph Waiter, Owner of Broadway Garage.
Newport Township Manager Joe Hillan believes speed is one of several factors that may be contributing to some of these crashes.
“The speed limit should be lowered. Main Street in Glen Lyon, the speed limit is 25 miles per hour and there’s less traffic that in that area,” voiced Hillan.
Nanticoke Police Chief Michael Roke says the state has to take a close look at this intersection and all possible factors that may be leading to crashes.
“We’re looking at and working with PennDOT. We sent them a letter requesting a traffic study done at that intersection and once they come and do that, we most certainty will be able to focus on some of the mitigating factors in that intersection basically leading to the crashes that we have been having,” explained Roke.
A memorial is at the site of last week’s deadly crash. People in this area say they want this to be the last memorial ever set up here.
“Again it’s been terribly unsafe for all this time, but again got to thank you and the Eyewitness News Team for coming down and bringing this to light,” stated Waiter.
A PennDOT spokesperson tells the I-team once the receive the traffic study request, they will review the area and see what if any additional safety measures can be taken. We are still working the story more in the days ahead.


Charges dismissed against caretaker

Edward Lewis

WILKES-BARRE — A district judge in Luzerne County Central Court dismissed charges of striking or shoving a care-dependent person and harassment against Edith Alice Calderon, 53, of Warrior Run, on Wednesday.
Newport Township police charged Calderon in December on allegations she struck a woman in her legs during a dispute about wanting more money for gas mileage on Nov. 16, according to court records.
Calderon was the woman’s caretaker employed by a home health care agency. The alleged incident happened inside the woman’s residence in the 100 block of West Main Street in Glen Lyon.
The charges were dismissed when the woman failed to appear to testify at a preliminary hearing.


2025 Newport Township

Newport Township Municipal Building - 351 W. Kirmar Ave., Nanticoke, Pa. 18634 -- 570-735-4735

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